Knowledgebase Categories Backup/Restore 4 Broadband Internet 1 cPanel - Control Panel 24 Databases 11 Dedicated Servers 3 DNS - Nameserver 6 Domain 2 Domain Management 10 Domain Transfer 1 Email 13 FTP 4 Installing a Control Panel 6 Mail Filters & SPAM 8 Mobile 11 New Microwave Upgrade 1 Others 3 Security 10 Softaculous 71 Web Hosting 1 Wordpress 17 Categories Backup/Restore (4) Broadband Internet (1) cPanel - Control Panel (24) Databases (11) Dedicated Servers (3) DNS - Nameserver (6) Domain (2) Domain Management (10) Domain Transfer (1) Email (13) FTP (4) Installing a Control Panel (6) Mail Filters & SPAM (8) Mobile (11) New Microwave Upgrade (1) Others (3) Security (10) Softaculous (71) Web Hosting (1) Wordpress (17) How to change PHP version on your domain using cPanel? Some software requires older version of PHP like 5.6 while other asks for PHP7. If it happens you need either of the versions, you can switch to it from cPanel. 1. Log into your cPanel account.2. In the "Software" section, click on the "MultiPHP Manager" Icon.3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, select your domain from the left side of the screen and you will see an option "PHP Version" with a drop-down menu on the right side. Select the appropriate PHP version from it and click the Apply button.If will take a few seconds and then your PHP version will change to your selected version. Was this answer helpful? Yes No Print this Article Also Read How to Change Language of your cPanel? cPanel supports a lot of languages, and if you want to change your cPanel language to your native... How to add CNAME Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor? CNAME records are referred to as alias records since they map an alias to its canonical name. You... How to add A Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor? A Record is a DNS record and is used to point a domain or subdomain to an IP address. You can add... How to Set the PHP Version per Folder? Do you have a single domain or wish to use different PHP version per folder? Do you have an... How to update your cPanel Contact Information or receive a notification on reaching quota limit? If you want to receive notification on reaching your disk quota, bandwidth usage limit, reaching... Powered by WHMCompleteSolution Support My Support Tickets Announcements Knowledgebase Downloads Network Status Open Ticket